Prijazen božično novoletni praznični čas in vse dobro v prihajajočem letu želim vsem svojim bralcem in komentatorjem.
sobota, december 24, 2011
sobota, december 17, 2011
Proverbiarium 242
Semel pro semper.
Enkrat za vekomaj.
Semper avarus eget.
Lakomnežu vedno nekaj manjka.
Semper in motu.
Vedno v gibanju.
Umrl Christopher Hitchens
Na spletu Richarda Dawkinsa preberemo, da je umrl Christopher Eric Hitchens, angloameriški žurnalist, polemični družbeni kritik in avtor knjižnih uspešnic ter eden svetovnih protagonistov ateizma, skepticizma in zagovornik znanstvene misli.
ponedeljek, december 12, 2011
Proverbiarium 241
Saepe ne utile quidem est scire, quid futurum sit.
Pogosto ni dobro vedeti, kakšna bo prihodnost.
Saepe optime cogitata pessime cadunt.
Pogosto najboljše zamisli najslabše končajo.
Saevis pax queritur armis.
Mir iščejo s krutim orožjem.
petek, december 09, 2011
The Right to Research Coalition
The Right to Research Coalition je mednarodno združenje študentskih organizacij, ki podpirajo in promovirajo odprti dostop do znanstvene literature. (Hvala dr. Kotarjevi za sporočilo).
sreda, december 07, 2011
torek, december 06, 2011
Knjiga o odprtem dostopu
Pri MIT je v seriji MIT Press Essential Knowledge tik pred izidom knjiga guruja odprtega dostopa prof. dr. Petra Subra z naslovom Open Access.
ponedeljek, december 05, 2011
Plače predsedujočih visokim šolam
Naj takoj povem, da govorim o ameriškem okolju in o privatnih visokih šolah. V zadnjem letu je število predsednikov (pogojno bi jim pri nas rekli rektorji), katerih letni prihodki so presegli milijon dolarjev, zrastlo od 33 na 36. Tako preberemo na strani Huffington Post. Medijana nadomestila vseh ameriških predsednikov privatnih visokih šol je pri 386.000 dolarjih, to pa istočasno pomeni, da njihova nadomestila za 3,7 krat presegajo tista njihovih rednih profesorjev. Podobna študija o plačah predstojnikov javnih univerz je pokazala, da je med vsemi le eden sam presegel milijon dolarjev (podatek je za leto 2010).
nedelja, december 04, 2011
Proverbiarium 240
Quo quid altius surrexit, opportunius est ad occassum.
Kolikor se stvar bolj vzpne, bolj je nagnjena k padcu.
Quos deus perdere vult, dementat.
Kogar hoče bog uničiti, mu odvzame razum.
Quota sit hora petis, dum petis, hora fugit.
Sprašuješ koliko je ura, medtem ko sprašuješ ura teče.
Novosti v odprtem dostopu
Kolegica dr. Kotarjeva iz Univerzitetne službe za knjižnično dejavnost UL je znova pripravila aktualen nabor novic o odprtem dostopu. V celoti ga kopiram v ta zapis:
60% of Journals Allow Immediate Archiving of Peer-Reviewed Articles - but it gets much much better...
New charts published on the SHERPA/RoMEO Blog show that 87% of journals allow some form of immediate self-archiving of articles, although in only 60% of cases is this a post-peer-reviewed version. This rises impressively once embargo periods have expired and any other restrictions have been complied with, showing that 94% of journals permit peer-reviewed articles to be archived. Furthermore, nearly a quarter of journals allow the publisher's version/PDF to be archived. Only 5% of journals do not permit any form of archiving. The statistics were compiled from a snapshot of the RoMEO Journals database taken on the 15th Nov.2011, when it contained about 19,000 titles.
How should funding agencies pay open-access fees?
Information handling in collaborative research: an exploration of five case studies
Openness as infrastructure
Abstract: The advent of open access to peer reviewed scholarly literature in the biomedical sciences creates the opening to examine scholarship in general, and chemistry in particular, to see where and how novel forms of network technology can accelerate the scientific method. This paper examines broad trends in information access and openness with an eye towards their applications in chemistry.
Publishing in an open access age: preserving the scribbles, getting heard, and assuring the quality of information
"With the launch of this open access, multidisciplinary journal, we offer a broad scientific community a forum for rapid publication of original contributions, covering all aspects of neurology, neuroscience, psychology, and psychiatry....The open access publishing model gives authors an opportunity to disseminate their results to an extremely wide audience in new ways. Authors can publicize their work knowing that readers can instantly access it without the need for institutional or personal subscriptions....I would like to congratulate Wiley for taking a proactive approach by putting professional resources behind their neurology, neuroscience, psychology, and psychiatry family of journals and moving forward with open access publishing. We debated at length (and still do with our Editorial Board and the Publisher) how best to proceed, and your feedback as authors and readers is very important...."
Benefits to the Private Sector of Open Access to Higher Education and Scholarly Research
From the Introduction: With increasing technological possibilities, there is interest in how ‘Open Access’ publication may provide greater potential to stimulate impacts from HE research and scholarly study and in particular for innovation and upstream technology transfer. Wider European research has already shown some utility and impact for Open Access in the private sector and this study now seeks to review the position in the UK. The focus of the current study is not on assessing private sector demand, but on identifying, mapping and reviewing practical illustrations of benefits. In particular, the study was asked to look at: - Identifying and, where possible, quantifying tangible and attributable benefits in Open Access engagement to university research outputs. - Identifying success factors and recurrent enablers to realising these benefits. - Establishing illustrations of what and how benefits were realised, the timescale for realisation and transferability of that experience. The study was also asked to review the quality of available evidence, how this might be addressed and to propose an evidence-based typology of Open Access engagement and benefit realisation over the short, medium and longer-term.
We have won the argument about OA - now we have to bring things together and make it work
Lars Björnshuage’s rallying key-note speech at the recent PKP-conference in Berlin “We have won the argument about OA - now we have to bring things together and make it work” lists major achievements this far, and outlines future routes of action.
OAI7 - CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication
How can universities support economic growth and innovation? Take the open road – the Global Science Gateway
Global Open Access Portal (UNESCO)
"The Global Open Access Portal (GOAP), funded by the Governments of Colombia, Denmark, Norway, and the United States Department of State, presents a current snapshot of the status of Open Access (OA) to scientific information around the world. For countries that have been more successful implementing Open Access, the portal highlights critical success factors and aspects of the enabling environment. For countries and regions that are still in the early stages of Open Access development, the portal identifies key players, potential barriers and opportunities...."
Institutions in Ghana, Serbia and Uganda sign the Berlin Declaration
"Three more EIFL partner institutions – Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Ghana), University of Belgrade (Serbia) and Makerere University (Uganda) – joined over 340 leading international research, scientific, and cultural institutions from around the world that have signed the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and the Humanities...."
ZDA – javni dostop do podatkov in objav iz raziskav, financiranih z javnimi sredstvi
- Request for Information: Public Access to Digital Data Resulting From Federally Funded Scientific Research,
- Request for Information: Public Access to Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Publications Resulting From Federally Funded Research,
Open access in Eastern Europe: Removing barriers to knowledge sharing
“Open Minds”: Interviews with Lithuanian politicians and famous researchers about Open Access
Emilija Banionyte, Ausra Vaskeviciene, and Gintare Tautkeviciene have asked two influential groups of Lithuanian stakeholders, four politicians and four scientists, about their opinions and experiences of OA.
Open Access to Scholarly Literature in India: A Status Report
Open Access Politik der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
The open agenda at the University of Salford
A case study at the University of Southampton
"At the University of Southampton researchers, academics, service providers and senior management have been working together for ten years in a partnership to underpin an “open” approach to research and learning resources based on the repository model. Innovative research at the School of Electronics and Computer Science set out the technical building blocks for making research available on open access. As a next step, the JISC- funded TARDis project (Targeting Academic Research for Dissemination and Disclosure) successfully brought together internal departments - the Library, the University Computing Service and the Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia Research Group within Electronics and Computer Science. Together, they committed to support an institutional strategy for making scholarly communication both more visible and more accessible. This partnership approach remains key and has allowed Southampton to extend open access into other areas including the learning repository. At institutional level the value of the research repository has been strongly identified with the University’s strategies for the RAE/REF, and with the institutional response to meeting funder mandates. The University of Southampton became the first university in the UK to adopt a formal requirement that all academic staff make access to their published research available online through the institutional repository. Senior management support has been crucial as has been the promotion of the benefits to the author. Institutional strategy often means less to individual academics and researchers than how the services provide benefits to them. It is therefore important to link open access to the research and learning process, and to the benefits of increasing visibility. A pragmatic approach combined with a strongly visible support service has underpinned the way in which open access has been developed institutionally at Southampton. The University’s main priorities going forward are to increase the amount of open content by encouraging the direct deposit of postprints in the research repository and increasing the range of material across disciplines in the learning repository. In parallel Southampton will experiment with scoping options to link access to research data initially at metadata level...."
The Liège ORBi model: Mandatory policy without rights retention but inked to assessment processes
Presentation, Berlin 9 Pre-conference on Open Access policy development Workshop, Washington, DC. Abstract: The decision to build an institutional repository at the University of Liège was taken in 2005. It took 3 years to prepare for a faultless start in November 2008. A strong communication campaign conveyed the Open Access concept to the ULg research community. A name was coined to personalise the concept : ORBi (Open Repository and Bibliography,, suggesting an improved worldwide audience. A special effort in internal communication was devoted to acceptance of the mandate. It appeared essential to make it plain that ORBi would offer an unprecedented increase in readership, but that it would only be valuable if all ULg members would abide by the new rules. Any mandate needs some coercitive persuasion. Rather than resting on advocacy, we linked internal assessment to the scientific production stored in ORBi. Those applying for promotion have no choice but to file all their production in full text. This created waves of progression. Since then, evidence for a much increased readership (about twice, has transformed the early participants in strong advocates of the repository. 68,000 items have been filed, 41,000 (60,2%) with full text (only mandatory for documents published later that 2002). According to ROAR ( ), out of 1,568 IRs, ORBi comes 27th for the number of references, 15th for « high activity level » and 1st for « medium activity level » (number of days with 10-99 deposits/day). ORBi is now considered a success by almost all ULg members. Its advantages to individual authors have become a better incentive than the mandate itself.
Oslo University College (OUC) was one of the last Higher Education (HE) institutions to get an institutional repository
Mid-June 2010 their Open Digital Archive, ODA, went public. In "Carrot or stick, incentives or mandates, or both" Tania Strøm looks at the key events resulting in ODA, and describes the incentive scheme. implemented at OUC.
Mexico's Largest University to Post Online Nearly All Publications and Course Materials
"The National Autonomous University of Mexico, better known as UNAM, has said it will make virtually all of its publications, databases, and course materials freely available on the Internet over the next few years—a move that some academics speculated could push other universities in the region to follow suit....They also said it was key to UNAM's social mission as a public institution: providing educational resources to populations usually underrepresented in the university system—really, to anyone who desires access to them. "As the national university, we must assume a national mission and give back to society what we are doing with its financial support," said Imanol Ordorika, a professor of social sciences and education at UNAM and a key force behind the effort. "That means providing open access and being accountable and transparent." ...But he said it would include all magazines and periodicals published by UNAM, and, if negotiations with outside publishers went well, all research published by UNAM employees. He also said the university would provide online access to all theses and dissertations as well as materials for its approximately 300 undergraduate and graduate courses...."
Princeton University implementing open-access policy for faculty publications
"University administrators have begun implementing the new "open-access" policy approved this fall by Princeton faculty members to expand the public's access to their research....Administrators in the Office of the Dean of the Faculty, Office of the Provost and Princeton University Library are providing guidance to faculty members prior to article submission; have provided language for faculty to append to publishing contracts; and are exploring plans to build a repository for these articles. Administrators have also created an online form for faculty requesting waivers to the policy in individual cases in which a journal's copyright contract prevents republishing...."
Humanities researchers and digital technologies: Building infrastructures for a new age
"Europe's leading scientists have pledged to embrace and expand the role of technology in the Humanities. In a Science Policy Briefing released today by the European Science Foundation (ESF), they argue that without Research Infrastructures (RIs) such as archives, libraries, academies, museums and galleries, significant strands of Humanities research would not be possible. By drawing on a number of case studies, the report demonstrates that digital RIs offer Humanities scholars new and productive ways to explore old questions and develop new ones. According to Professor Claudine Moulin, lead scientist and Chair of the ESF Science Policy Briefing editorial group: "Making our cultural heritage accessible in digital form, and interlinking it sensitively with other resources, opens a new frontier for Humanities research for addressing grand challenges in the Humanities themselves, and at the interface with other research domains." The report argues that while there are many sophisticated RIs in other domains of science that can inform and further Humanities research, ultimately, it is also necessary for Humanities scholars to build and have access to 'fit for purpose' Humanities RIs, given the nature of their data sets, research methods and working practices....The report's focus in on developing a common strategy on RIs in the Humanities at a European level; it identifies seven key areas of priorities and future research directions....Strategic directions: facilitating research beyond mono-disciplinary interests and cross-fertilisation between the Humanities and other sciences; integration of isolated project-based data and resources to facilitate interpretation; identification and promotion of good practices for interoperability, usability and collection curation within, and across, national boundaries; focus on open access policy; sustainability...."
IFLA Open Access Taskforce established
"Following the endorsement of IFLA's Statement on Open Access by the Governing Board, April 18th 2011 —and the subsequent approval from the Governing Board during the WLIC in Puerto Rico August 2011 of a number of key initiatives— IFLA's Open Access Taskforce has been established. The taskforce will work on the following issues: [1] Advocate for the adoption and promotion of open access policies as set out in IFLA's Statement on Open Access within the framework of the United Nations institutions (UN, UNESCO, WHO, FAO); [2] Build Capacity within the IFLA Membership to advocate for the adoption of open access policies at the national level, through the development of case studies and best practices for open access promotion; [3] Furthermore the taskforce will connect to the various organizations working for Open Access – as indicated in the statement -such as SPARC (US/Europe/Japan), COAR, OASPA,EIFL, Bioline International & DOAJ, among others...."
Springer denies scientist access to her own research
"From: Dianne O'Leary....On September 9, I wrote to Springer asking for a pdf file of one of my papers [published in Springer's _Numerical Algorithms_]....It took until October 8 for them to answer my request, and they decided that I was not entitled to the pdf file of my own paper....My university does not subscribe to this journal -- too expensive -- so I was wondering if anyone had an idea of how I can obtain this pdf file...."
Open access success stories
A Review of Open Access Self-Archiving Mandate Policies
Preview version, accepted for publication and copy edited. Abstract: This article reviews the history of open access (OA) policies and examines the current status of mandate policy implementations. It finds that hundreds of policies have been proposed and adopted at various organizational levels and many of them have shown a positive effect on the rate of repository content accumulation. However, it also detects policies showing little or no visible impact on repository development, and attempts to analyze the effects of different types of policies, with varied levels of success. It concludes that an open access mandate policy, by itself, will not change existing practices of scholarly self-archiving.
Open Access Policy Template Now Available
"If your department or school is considering adopting an open access policy, visit the Open Access Policy Template page. You can now download the policy language that both the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and the Columbia Libraries/Information Services use for their open access policies. This language can be applied to any unit of Columbia University and can be adopted for use at other institutions....And if your Columbia department or school approves an open access policy, be sure to let us know! The Libraries/Information Services will support implementation of your policy and help make complying with the policy easy for faculty and staff. We will also introduce you to Columbia's digital repository, Academic Commons, and the services it provides to scholars and researchers at Columbia...."
OA policy | EIFL
"Open access policies (mandates) that ensure that research funded by institutions is made freely available have now been adopted by 24 institutions in the EIFL network...."
Open Access Fees Project: Final Report
From the Introduction: Between 2009 and 2011, JISC Collections has undertaken three separate, yet linked, projects relating to the emergence of gold open access as an alternative business model for scholarly journals. The focus of this third phase was around the so-called hybrid model of OA publishing and the extent to which this can be seen as an optional model offered by publishers or a transitional one as part of the move away from subscription-based to fully Gold OA. It began with a series of in-depth one-to-one interviews with stakeholders within the Research Councils, other funding bodies, publishers and representatives from universities including librarians, institutional repository managers and research management. Interviewees were invited to answer a series of questions about the principles of the hybrid journal model, their attitudes towards it, the management of open-access fees at their organisation and their policy.
Recommendations how to support journals in transition to open access
The Mega-journals are coming!
The topic of Megajournals is hot. What are megajournals? Will they revolutionize our current system of scholarly communication?
World’s oldest scientific publisher breaks new ground with Open Biology
The Royal Society today celebrates the official launch of Open Biology, a brand new open access journal covering research in cellular and molecular aspects of biology. It is the Society’s first wholly open access and online-only journal.
Open Biology will be published online on a continuous publication model where articles are immediately citable. Article-level usage data and online archiving will be available. Articles will be published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence, leaving copyright with the authors, but allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute, and/or copy articles provided the original authors and source are cited. The funding required to make Open Biology open access will derive from article-processing charges. These will cover the expenses associated with peer review, composition, hosting, and archiving. Please see for more details.
Royal Society journal archive made permanently free to access
"The Royal Society has today announced that its world-famous historical journal archive – which includes the first ever peer-reviewed scientific journal – has been made permanently free to access online. Around 60,000 historical scientific papers are accessible via a fully searchable online archive, with papers published more than 70 years ago now becoming freely available....The move is being made as part of the Royal Society’s ongoing commitment to open access in scientific publishing. Opening of the archive is being timed to coincide with Open Access Week, and also comes soon after the Royal Society announced its first ever fully open access journal, Open Biology...."
Kompatibilnost programske opreme Open Journal Systems z OpenAIRE
There is an OJS add-on from the Public Knowledge Project to make the journal OpenAIRE compliant:
New OpenAIRE Guide for Journals
We shouldn't have to pay twice for UBC's research
"As a society, we are paying for science and then we’re paying to read about it. And make no mistake, access to science is expensive. Here at UBC, students and faculty are lucky enough to have access, through the library, to many of the articles that they need for learning and research. But even though they spend significant portions of their budgets on journal subscriptions (at UBC we pay $9 million per year for access to approximately 65,000 journals), most university libraries can’t keep pace with rising subscription costs. In 2008, the subscription price for Brain Research was $21,744 and the Journal of Applied Polymer Science $16,859—and astronomical subscription prices mean significant profits. Those high costs are passed on to students through high tuition fees, and when libraries can’t keep up with high journal prices, they’re forced to cut subscriptions to many journals. As students, when we don’t have access to the latest science in a particular field, it can negatively impact our education and research...."
REPOZITORIJI Repository Maps
CORE melds UK repositories
DSpace Open Access repository development in Africa: Sudan, South Africa
South Africa is a leading African country in terms of Open Access (OA) policies on the governmental level and grass-roots OA initiatives in universities and research organizations. All 11 traditional universities (or at least their departments), two universities of technology (Cape Peninsula University of Technology and Durban University of Technology), three comprehensive universities (University of Johannesburg, University of South Africa and University of Zululand) and Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) have set up OA repositories. University of Pretoria and University of Johannesburg have adopted OA policies (mandates) to ensure that results of researches funded by institutions are made freely available.
COAR Open Access Repository Interoperability Forum
Open Access Repository Junction
OAPEN-UK Project
Will over the next three years be exploring open access scholarly monograph publishing in the humanities and social sciences. It is joint funded by JISC and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). OAPEN-UK is a collaborative research project gathering evidence to help stakeholders make informed decisions on the future of open access scholarly monograph publishing in the humanities and social sciences (HSS).
Living books about life
The pioneering open access humanities publishing initiative, Open Humanities Press (OHP) (, is pleased to announce the release of 21 open access books in its series Living Books About Life (
Riding the Wave to the European Parliament
"The meeting, a workshop on Scientific Data Infrastructures, involved MEPs, led by Teresa Riera Madurell and also Luis Martin-Oar who leads on science policy in the European Parliament, the Scientific Technology Options Assessment secretariat, members of the High Level Expert Group (HLEG) and representatives from a number of projects, including ODE. Zoran Stančič, the deputy Director General of INFSO, and Kostas Glinos, head of the unit which funds e-Infrastructure, were also there to help bind the Commission and Parliament views. Prof John Sulston winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine gave the keynote speech. He spoke with an understated passion about the importance of open access, powerfully illustrating this with the results of the decision to make genomic information open to all. Leading neatly on from this came ODE; I may be biased but my colleague Salvatore Mele’s presentation of the ODE report (Ten Tales of Drivers and Barriers in Data Sharing) was exceptionally good. He bound the tales together into a coherent whole where each of the tales illustrated an important point while leading on to the next, in the manner a master story-teller writes a book which one cannot put down...."
Knowledge Exchange publishes the report “A Surfboard for Riding the Wave - Towards a four country action programme on research data”
The report not only offers an overview of the present activities and challenges in the field of research data in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom but also outlines an action programme for the four countries in realising a collaborative data infrastructure. This report is a response to the Riding the Wave report which was published by the High Level Expert Group on Scientific Data. It was commissioned by the Knowledge Exchange Primary Research Data Working group and was written by Leo Waaijers and Maurits van der Graaff.
Federal Funding Agencies: Data Management and Sharing Policies
The California Digital Library compiled a summary of the data-sharing policies of eight US federal agencies.
Drivers and barriers in data sharing
"A booklet called "Ten Tales of Drivers & Barriers in Data Sharing" has been published by the ODE [Opportunities for Data Exchange] project. The ODE project has published a collection of success stories and lessons learned in the area of data sharing, re-use and preservation. Ten stories have been selected from a series of interviewed carried out to establish a baseline for the drivers and barriers in data exchange. From institutions such as the UK Data Archive, CERN and Galaxy Zoo, these stories reveal the opportunities presented by data exchange as well as surrounding issues such as funding, infrastructures, discoverability, culture, and collaboration...."
Addressing legal barriers in sharing of research data
It is difficult for researchers and those supporting them to understand how open access to research data can be legally obtained and re-used. This is due to the fact that European and national laws vary and researchers work across national boundaries. A possible approach to providing clarity would be that researchers assign a licence to their data. This practice could be incorporated in a code of conduct for researchers.
How to Cite Datasets and Link to Publications
Advocates say public money for open educational resources is smart investment
"Advocates for open educational resources, or OER, have had mixed success in getting the federal government to invest public money in open course materials. Money that would have gone to creating open materials for community colleges ended up getting axed from the 2009 American Graduation Initiative. While the Labor Department program that took its place could provide as much as $2 billion over several years, federal lawmakers have proposed to eliminate grants to develop OER if commercial publishers already offer -- or have “under development” -- similar materials. But while OER advocates have gotten inconsistent backing in Washington, D.C., they were able to claim a small but potentially significant victory on Monday in Washington State. The community and technical college system there celebrated the first major landmark in a state-funded push for open courses that it expects will save students hundreds per year in textbook costs, and that OER proponents hope could provide an example of how public investment in open materials is not charitable, but strategic...."
Universities must adapt or die in the e-learning world
What can be done to encourage HEIs to embrace open learning resources?
OER in the field: Institutions solving problems openly
Free and Open Educational resources – Treasure chest or irrelevance for adult learners? – national debate
Data Desiccation: Facilitating Long-Term Access, Use, and Reuse of ETDs
From the Abstract: Given the pressure of reading more in less time, today’s users demand access to various formats regardless of temporal and spatial restrictions and the types of devices used. Digital curation is the active management of any type of digital resource through its entire life-cycle, from creation and active use, to preservation and re-use. ETDs are a highly specialized collection that demands a more specialized treatment and characterization to better capture the semantic relations of the underlying concepts. Over the past year, the University of North Texas (UNT) Libraries have put forth great effort in making digital collections more accessible and useful in research processes. This paper discusses UNT’s ETDs curatorial activities including how ETDs users can benefit from desiccated versions, traditionally discussed only in a digital preservation context.
Introduction to DuraCloud
Fedora Repositories in DuraCloud with CloudSync
With CloudSync Fedora repositories can take advantage of DuraCloud--the only managed software service that lets organizations archive content across more than one cloud provider. Ithaca, NY Fedora CloudSync is a new open source web-based utility for backing up and restoring Fedora content in DuraCloud that also syncs content between multiple Fedora repositories. It supports on-demand backups of any content in a Fedora repository.
Download Fedora CloudSync here:
OpenAIRE Guide for Repository Managers
Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva 2.5 SlovenijaFrom: []
On Behalf Of Kuil, van der Annemiek
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 4:46 PM
Subject: [OpenAIRE] Enhanced publication: from experiment to practice
Enhanced publication: from experiment to practice
Utrecht, 20 October 2011 – Researchers at a number of universities and research institutions gained experience in 2011 with enhancing publications during six projects financed by SURFfoundation. The emphasis in previous projects was mainly on developing the technical facilities for creating enhanced publications. This year, it was the turn of the researchers themselves to enhance their publications and to present them in context. Enhanced publication is a new type of scientific/scholarly publication whereby researchers make publications available on the Internet in combination with related research data.
Vision for the future
In the future, it will become increasingly rare for research results to be presented merely one-dimensionally. It is precisely the significant relationship between the publication itself, the underlying research data, references, illustrations, etc. that creates cross-fertilisation between research, researchers, and research fields. This increases the likelihood of research breakthroughs and perhaps also of new ways for researchers to collaborate.
Removing the barrier
The many technical possibilities offered by the semantic web, xml and rdf (rich data format) mean that it is often no easy matter for researchers to publish their research as an enhanced version. That barrier can be removed if they receive proper support and cooperation from ICT departments and support staff. Researchers who have overcome that barrier are enthusiastic about the potential of enhanced publication.
Researchers with little ICT know-how also see the advantages even if they do not understand the ‘inner workings’of an enhanced publication. A pdf that has been enhanced with relevant supplementary or supporting information is a more attractive way of presenting research results. Enhanced publication also makes it easier for interested colleagues to discover the research work concerned.
What researchers say
Prof. Nick Jankowski of the eHumanities Group at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) is enthusiastic about the possibilities opened up by enhanced publications: “They provide the opportunity for new insights, new knowledge, and for sharing the knowledge with other scholars and a wider public.” In a short video – Enhanced Publications: from experiment to practice – Prof. Jankowski and five colleagues talk about the value of enhancement and their experience during the project.
Five disciplines
Enhanced publication has proved valuable in a number of disciplines and can be applied in various different ways, making it very versatile.
· Economics: Open Data and Publications
· Linguistics: Lenguas de Bolivia and Enhanced NIAS Publications
· Musicology: The Other Josquin
· Communication sciences: Enhancing Scholarly Publishing in the Humanities and Social Sciences
· Geosciences: VPcross.
Lessons learned
Enhanced publication has enormous potential. However, the experience gained during the project shows that there is still a lot to be learned about how to enhance publications and how to make use of the semantic web. The various tools that have been developed for this new way of publishing research results are not yet “ready for immediate use” by researchers. Enhancement still involves collaboration between researchers and ICT staff. The lessons learned will be used for further development.
More information
About the SURFshare programme
The aim of SURFshare is to provide better access to high-quality scientific and scholarly knowledge using the very latest ICT technology. This is possible because ICT not only speeds up standard communication processes but changes the nature of the knowledge chain itself. The growing number of facilities for knowledge sharing and dissemination mean that traditional publications, tools (models, algorithms, visualisations) and research data are increasingly interwoven.
SURFfoundation’s intention in the SURFshare programme is to create a common infrastructure that will facilitate access to research information and make it possible for researchers to share scientific and scholarly information.
Kind regards,
Annemiek van der Kuil
Annemiek van der Kuil | community manager SURFshare | ICT & Research | SURFfoundation | Graadt van Roggenweg 340 | P.O.Box 2290 | 3500 GG Utrecht | T + 31 30 234 66 42 | E W
Open 2011: twee weken vol activiteiten rondom open toegang tot onderwijs en onderzoek.
sobota, november 26, 2011
Iniciativa “Living Books About Life”
Agencija JISC je omogočila objavo in odprt dostop do 21 knjig, ki jim je skupna vsebina pojavnost življenja: od zraka, kmetijstva, bioetike, kozmetične kirurgije, energije, nevrologije do kloniranja človeka. Projekt naj bi premoščal vrzel med humanistiko in znanostjo in naj bi v enaki meri služil znanosti in izobraževanju.
Proverbiarium 239
Roma non fuit una die condita.
Rim ni bil ustanovljen v enem dnevu.
Ruborem amico excutere amicum est perdere.
Osramotiti prijatelja pomeni prijatelja izgubiti.
Rumpe moras!
Ne oklevaj!
sobota, november 19, 2011
IZUM za razvoj informacijskih sistemov jugovzhodne Evrope
Kot poroča OCLC sta s slovenskim IZUMom podpisala Pismo o nameri za preučitev možnosti oblikovanja strateškega partnerstva za razvoj nacionalnih informacijskih sistemov v Albaniji, Bosni in Hercegovini, Bolgariji, na Hrvaškem, na Kosovu, v Makedoniji, Črni gori, Srbiji in Sloveniji.
Proverbiarium 238
Relata refero.
Povem, kot sem slišal.
Rem acu tetigisti.
Zadeve si se dotaknil z iglo.
(Zadel si občutljivo točko.)
Rem timide tractat.
Zadevo obravnava obzirno (s strahom).
torek, november 15, 2011
Osma obletnica
nedelja, november 13, 2011
Global Open Access Portal
Pogled na trenutno stanje odprtega dostopa v svetu ponuja Global Open Access Portal, ki ga najdemo na UNESCOvem spletišču. Predstavljena je tudi organiziranost odprtega dostopa v Sloveniji.
Proverbiarium 237
Rari quippe boni.
Dobri so redki.
Raro meliora subsequuntur.
Redko je to kar sledi boljše.
Rebus in adversis magnum munimen amici.
V nesreči so prijatelji velika opora.
torek, november 08, 2011
Preuredimo znanstveno snovanje
Žigov twit me je pripeljal do tega članka, ki ga svetujem v branje vsem, ki lahko kaj storijo, da bi tudi v našem “mikrookolju” pričeli spreminjati paradigmo ustvarjanja in posredovanja novega znanja; odprti dostop je tlakovanje take poti. O podobni stvari govori tudi A. J. Cann na svojem blogu.
nedelja, november 06, 2011
Portal poznoantičnih latinskih tekstov
Na spletišču DigilibLT objavljajo poznoantične latinske tekste. Za uporabo je potrebna (brezplačna) registracija.
Open Course Library
Javne višje šole (Community and Technical College system) iz Washingtona so oblikovale spletni projekt Open Course Library, kjer bo v obliki odprtodostopnih materialov na voljo več kot 80 najpopularnješih vsebin osnovne izobraževalne ravni. Projekt ima tudi svoj blog.
Skladiščenje v oblaku - DuraCloud
Organizacija Dura Space je pripravila servis skladiščenja digitalnih tekstovnih, slikovnih in video dokumentov, s poudarkom na dragocenosti virov, z imenom DuraCloud. Z vzporednim skladiščenjem na različnih serverjih zagotavljajo stalen, torej nemoten dostop do dokumentov. Servis je plačljiv.
Proverbiarium 236
Usus magister egregius.
Izkušnja je izvrsten učitelj.
Ut ameris, ama.
Da boš ljubljen, ljubi.
Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas.
Čeprav manjkajo moči, je vendar treba pohvaliti voljo.
sreda, november 02, 2011
Slovensko spletno mesto odprtega dostopa
Povzemam sporočilo dr. Kotarjeve:
“Luka je 21. 10. na posvetovanju Zveze bibliotekarskih društev Slovenije v Mariboru uspešno predstavil nacionalno spletno mesto ( in spletno mesto ta dan tudi odprl za javnost. Redakcija in dodajanje vsebine tudi danes še nista čisto zaključena, širše obveščanje bi izvedli, ko bomo zadovoljni z osnovno zasnovo in vsebino spletnega mesta. Kot pravi Janez, bo to itak work in progress, ki se bo moral prilagajati razvoju odprtega dostopa v svetu in spodbujati ter evidentirati slovenske dosežke.”
torek, november 01, 2011
Odprti dostop na portalu Montage
Nekateri ste gotovo že naleteli na nov način “nabirnoizbirnega objavljanja” spletnih vsebin, kot to omogoča portal Nanj sem npr. “naselil” vsebine iz mikrobiologije in učnega procesa. Podoben portal pa je Montage, kjer sem oblikoval izbor vsebin o odprtem dostopu. Videli bomo, ali se bo ta “nova moda” prijela (na spletu je namreč še nekaj podobnih servisov npr. Sciscoop Science, Scoopeo…). Bloger Marko tudi že koristno uporablja nov medij.
nedelja, oktober 30, 2011
Arhiv revij britanske RS v odprtem dostopu
Britanska Kraljevska akademija (Royal Society - RS) je sporočila, da je odslej njihov revijalni fond v odprtem dostopu. RS je ob tem, da je ena najuglednejših znanstvenih akademij tudi najstarejši znanstveni založnik v svetu, saj so leta 1665 izdali “Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society” (PTRS), prvo revijo, kjer je bil že uporabljen tudi pregled z vrstniki - “peer review”, ki še danes velja za znanstvene revije kot eno od dokazil odličnosti. Povedati je treba, da je istega leta, torej 1665 izšla tudi prva francoska znanstvena revija “Journal des sçavans” s čimer se je začel vzpon znanstvene revijalike.
Proverbiarium 235
Solamen miseris socios habuisse malorum.
Tolažba nesrečnih je, da so imeli tovariše v nesreči.
Solem e mundo tollunt, qui amicitiam e vita tollunt.
Svetu kradejo sonce tisti, ki preganjajo prijateljstvo iz življenja.
Solem quis dicere falsum audeat?
Kdo upa reči soncu, da je lažno?
nedelja, oktober 23, 2011
sobota, oktober 22, 2011
Proverbiarium 234
Quod factum est, infectum fieri nequit.
Kar je storjeno, ni mogoče narediti nestorjeno.
Quod fieri potest per pauca, non debet fieri per multa.
Kar je mogoče opraviti z majhnim naporom, ni treba, da storimo z velikim.
Quod fors feret, feremus aequo animo.
Kar prinese usoda, prenašamo ravnodušno.
petek, oktober 21, 2011
Sodelovanje DPLA in Europeane
Dva velika digitalna projekta – DPLA in Europeana (tudi >1 in >2) sta sklenila sodelovanje.
nedelja, oktober 16, 2011
7 milijard
Če greste na splet Worldometers boste videli, da nas vsega 14 dni loči od mejnika, ko naj bi svetovno prebivalstvo predvidoma doseglo 7 milijard.
Verjamem da boste radovedno pregledali tudi nekatere druge statistične podatke.
(Opazil pa sem, da je to znova stran, kjer ob številnih drugih prevodih manjka slovenski prevod.)
Europeana v novi podobi
Evropska digitalna knjižnica Europeana se predstavlja z novo spletno podobo, spremenjeno v videzu in funkcionalnosti.
Book Citation Index
Založba Thomson Reuters je na platformi Web of Knowledge pripravila knjižni citacijski indeks - Book Citation Index, ki ta trenutek vsebuje 25.000 knjig v znanosti, družboslovju in humanistiki.
Blog o e-vsebinah
Ameriško knjižnično združenje (American Library Association) je pričelo objavljati blog namenjen obveščanju o e-virih.
Proverbiarium 233
Plus quam possis audere.
Dovoliš si več kot zmoreš.
Plus valet in manibus passer quam sub dubio grus.
Več velja vrabec v roki kot v negotovosti žerjav.
Poena potest demi, culpa perennis est.
Kazen se lahko umakne, krivda je trajna.
torek, oktober 11, 2011
Seminar o odprtem dostopu
V počastitev letošnjega Tedna odprtega dostopa med 24 . in 28. oktobrom pripravlja Univerza v Stellenboschu “Stellenbosch University Open Access Seminar” z uglednimi predavatelji, med njimi bosta tudi profesorja Steven Harnad in Peter Suber. Seminar bo v živo dostopen tudi na spletu 24. oktobra med 14.00-17.30 (CEST; UTC+2 ) po predhodni spletni registraciji.
nedelja, oktober 09, 2011
Digitalizirani kumranski rokopisi
Bom prepisal kar iz slovenske Wikipedije: “ Kumranski rokopisi so zbirka najstarejših rokopisov verskih knjig, ki so jih sredi prejšnjega stoletja našli v votlinah blizu naselja Qumran nedaleč od Mrtvega morja. Gre za del knjižnice verske skupnosti esenov. Podobnost z bibličnimi teksti, na katerih temelji Sveto pismo je sprožila vrsto teorij o njihovem nastanku.” Zdaj so kumranski rokopisi dostopni tudi v digitalizirani obliki.
Related articles
- How Were the Caves at Qumran Formed? (
Spletna stran DPLA
Načrtovalci ameriške javne digitalne knjižnice so pripravili spletno stran - Digital Public Library of America (DPLA). Več o nastajanju projekta najdete tudi na njihovem blogu.
Proverbiarium 232
Barba non facit philosophum.
Brada ne naredi filozofa.
Beati possidentes.
Srečni tisti, ki imajo.
Beatius est magis dare quam accipere.
Bolj osrečuje dajanje kot prejemanje.
petek, oktober 07, 2011
Peter Binfield o odprtem dostopu
Peter Binfield iz PLoS govori na univerzi Stanford o odprtem dostopu.
sobota, oktober 01, 2011
Napredovanje odprtega dostopa
Header Morrison nam na svojem blogu predstavlja podatke o izjemnem napredku odprtega dostopa v zadnjem času:
- v DOAJ je že preko 7,000 revij in dnevno so dodane štiri nove,
- The Electronic Journals Library vsebuje 30.000 naslovov,
- OpenDOAR navaja preko 2.000 repozitorijev,
- BASE iskalnik preiskuje več kot 31 milijonov dokumentov v repozitorijih in
- v ROARMAP najdemo 300 registriranih odprtodostopnih mandatov po ustanovah.
Proverbiarium 231
Ipsa sua melior fama.
Je celo boljši od svojega ugleda.
Ipse mihi asciam in crus impegi.
Sam sebi sem sekiro zasekal v golen.
Ipse nescit, quid habeat, adeo saplutus est.
Tako neizmerno je premožen, da sam ne ve, kaj ima.
sobota, september 24, 2011
O upravljanju z znanostjo
Ameriška The National Science Foundation - NSF je kot izplen delavnice na temo upravljanja znanosti pripravila material Changing the Conduct of Science in the Information Age. Poudarek je bil na mednarodnem sodelovanju pri pospeševanju podatkovnega dostopa in pri oblikovanju tehničnih rešitev za oblikovanje odprtih podatkovnih platform ob zavarovanju avtorskih interesov, s pozivom, da konkretne aktivnosti podprejo agencije, ki financirajo znanost.
Proverbiarium 230
Mel in ore, fel in core.
Med v ustih, žolč (gnev) v srcu.
Melior est canis vivus leone mortuo.
Boljši je živ pes kot mrtev lev.
(Nam je bližji rek: Bolje vrabec v roki, kot golob na strehi.)
Melius nil caelibe vita.
Ni boljšega od samskega življenja.
ponedeljek, september 19, 2011
JSTORE odpira odprti dostop
JSTOR je neprofiten, plačljiv spletni bibliografski servis, ki podpira akademsko sfero z dostopom do raziskovalne literature. Zdaj je v svojo ponudbo dodal zanimivo možnost, pribl. 6% svojega sklada je ponudil v odprti dostop in to za članke, ki so bili izdani v ZDA pred letom 1923 in pred letom 1870 v drugih državah.
sobota, september 17, 2011
WEB indeks
Napovedan je nov projekt The World Wide Web Index. Iz njegove napovedi: “ The Web Index bo prvo večdimenzionalno merilo spleta in njegovega vpliva na ljudi in države. Vključeval bo razvite dežele in dežele v razvoju in predstavil kazalce, ki bodo pričali o političnem, ekonomskem in socialnem vplivu spleta, kot tudi kazalce infrastrukture spletne povezljivosti.” Portal bo upravljala posebna Web Foundation s partnerji, zagonski kapital je zagotovila firma Google.
3 milijone OD tekstov v Internet Archive
Internet Archive Blogs je objavil, da so včeraj knjižnice, ki preko Internet Archive ponujajo odprtodostopne tekste, dosegle 3 milijone dostopnih tekstov.
Proverbiarium 229
Quod optime notandum (est).
Kar si je treba zelo dobro zapomniti.
Quod datur probis, eripitur improbis.
Kar daš poštenim, odvzameš nepoštenim.
Quod differtur, non aufertur.
Kar odložimo, tega ne ukinemo.
torek, september 13, 2011
Open Culture
Skupina zanesenjakov iz okolice San Francisca, ki so deloma povezani s Univerzo Stanford, predstavlja na spletu v obliki bloga Open Culture učni material, namenjen globalni skupnosti vseživljenjskega učenja. Iščejo, urejajo in komentirajo spletne povezave do materialov, ki jih povezuje skupna kultura odprtega dostopa (OD): OD zvočne knjige, OD učni material, OD filmski material, OD jezikovni tečaji, OD e-knjige in druge OD vire. (Hvala G+ prijatelju M. Završniku za opozorilo).
Tablice prihajajo tudi v naše šole
Tega članka v sem se resnično razveselil, saj dokazuje, da kljub splošnemu malodušju nekateri še imajo vizijo in skrbijo, da izobraževanje ostaja v stiku z novostmi v svetu. Priznanje si zaslužita tako Osnovna šola Prule, kot tudi razvijalci e-učnih vsebin v založbi Rokus Klett (splet
Škoda le, da ni učinkovitejše podpore pri "odgovornih dejavnikih".
nedelja, september 11, 2011
Še enkrat: kaj je odprti dostop?
Na blogu Hedda (Higher Education Development Accociation s sedežem na univerzi v Oslu), je predstavljenih 14 ključnih značilnosti odprtega dostopa, kot jih vidi eden od gurujev tega gibanja Steven Harnad, profesor na kanadski univerzi v Quebecu in britanski univerzi v Southamptonu. Znan je tudi po svojem blogu Open Access Archivangelism.
sobota, september 10, 2011
Proverbiarium 228
Lucrum sine damno alterius fieri non potest.
Ni mogoče dobiti, če nekdo drug ne izgubi.
Ludus animo debet aliquando dari.
Včasih se je treba prepustiti igrivosti.
Lupos apud oves linquere.
Pustiti volkove z ovcami.
četrtek, september 08, 2011
Umrl utemeljitelj Projekta Gutenberg
V torek je v starosti 64. let umrl Michael Stern Hart, izjemen vizionar in futurist. Razvil je idejo e-knjige in s to idejo je nato utemeljil in ustanovil Project Gutenberg, koncept, ki je ena od najučinkovitejših uresničitev odprtega dostopa.
sobota, september 03, 2011
Proverbiarium 227
Iam alios vidimus ventos.
Tudi drugačne vetrove smo že videli. (Pomen: Doživeli smo že hujše stvari.)
Ibi semper est victoria, ubi concordia est.
Vedno je zmaga tam, kjer je sloga.
Idem delictum non debet bis puniri.
Istega prekrška ne moremo kaznovati dvakrat.
torek, avgust 30, 2011
Kapitalistična brezobzirnost akademske publicistike
Ko bi si akademska srenja množično prebrala članek Georgea Monbiota v Guardianu in se zamislila nad njegovim sporočilom, bi bilo utiranje poti odprtemu dostopu v akademskem objavljanju učinkovitejše kot je. Prepričan sem namreč, da bi uzaveščenje plenilske prakse akademskih založnikov napotilo več avtorjev raziskovalcev k objavljanju v odprtodostopnih publikacijah.
nedelja, avgust 28, 2011
Nova spletna stran Wiley OA
Založba Wiley je uporabnikom ponudila prenovljeno spletno stran svoje odprtodostopne ponudbe.
Bogatitev angleškega besednajaka
Letošnja posodobitev skoraj kultnega slovarja Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary je bogatejša tudi za dva pojma v področju komunikacijskih tehnologij: “tweet” in “social media”.
Proverbiarium 226
Ljudje pijejo vino, druge živali vodo.
Vinum et musica laetificant cor.
Vino in glasba razveseljujeta srce.
Vinum et pueri veraces.
Otroci in pijanci govorijo resnico.
torek, avgust 23, 2011
Zanimiva revija
Peter Scott piše: The Journal of Electronic Publishing je forum za raziskave in razprave o sodobnih praksah objavljanja in njihovega vpliva na uporabnike. Revija je v odprtem dostopu!
Dobro se bere…
Večje britanske znanstvene knjižnice: Research Libraries UK (vključujejo tudi Russell Group university libraries), UK's national libraries in Trinity College Library Dublin so sporočile (o tem piše Peter Scott) dvem največjim založbam: Elsevier in Wiley-Blackwell, da s koncem leta ne bodo obnovile naročniških pogodb za elektronski dostop, če jim založbe ne bodo ponudile bistvenega zmanjšanja cen.
nedelja, avgust 21, 2011
Proverbiarium 225
Esse oportet, ut vivas, non vivere, ut edas.
Jesti je treba, da živiš, ne živeti, da ješ.
Est difficillimum se ipsum vincere.
Najtežje je premagati samega sebe.
Est enim proprium stultitiae aliorum vitia cernere, oblivisci suorum.
Lastnost neumnosti je, videti napake drugih, pozabljati pa na svoje.
petek, avgust 19, 2011
Kako omejiti neugoden vpliv recesije na visokošolsko izobraževanje
Morda koga zamika, da pokomentira Tudi z odprtim dostopom je mogoče pomagati.
sreda, avgust 17, 2011
Ali je prav, da slovenski raziskovalec objavlja zgolj v angleščini?
Vabim h komentiranju teksta
ponedeljek, avgust 15, 2011
BP o ocenjevanju z vrstniki
Za tiste, ki jih zanima tema ocenjevanja znanstvenega dela, bo zanimivo branje “Poročilo o ocenjevanju z vrstniki (peer review) v znanstvenem objavljanju”, ki ga je na svoji spletni strani objavil Odbor za znanost in tehnologijo britanskega parlamenta (BP). Poleg poročila je objavljen tudi zapis ekspertnega zaslišanja in razprave. K temu je morda vredno prebrati tudi mnenje Malcolma Reada, izvršnega tajnika agencije JISC, objavljeno v reviji Research Information, ki je sicer bil tudi med eksperti parlamentarnega zaslišanja.
nedelja, avgust 14, 2011
Proverbiarium 224
Regia, crede mihi, res est succerrere lapsis.
Kraljevsko je, verjemi, pomagati tistim, ki jim je zdrsnilo.
Rem involutam emere.
Kupiti zapleteno stvar.
(Naš rek: Kupiti mačka v žaklju.)
Repetitio est mater studiorum.
Ponavljanje je mati modrosti.
nedelja, avgust 07, 2011
Sleparske univerze
Morda ste na naslov svoje elektronske pošte že kdaj dobili ponudbo za pridobitev diplome na spletu. Med takimi ponudbami je veliko sleparskih poskusov in k prepoznavi teh vam morda lahko pomaga tale spisek sleparskih univerz.
Dejavnik uporabe
Ali bo v bibliometriji dejavnik vpliva, angl. Impact Factor, morda zamenjal dejavnik uporabe, angl. Usage Factor.
Proverbiarium 223
Per pedes apostolorum.
Potovati peš (kot apostoli).
Persica, piscis, poma, suinum, requirunt bonum vinum.
K breskvam, ribam, jabolkam in svinjini gre dobro vino.
Per scrutinium.
S tajnim glasovanjem.
Prva spletna stran
20 let nazaj (natančno 6. avgusta 1991) je takrat 36 let star fizik Tim Berners-Lee (danes Sir T. B.-L.) pri CERNu objavil prvo spletno stran.
četrtek, avgust 04, 2011
Novi scientometrični servisi
V novi številki revije Nature (V476 n7358) lahko v članku “Computing giants launch free science metrics” beremo o najavi scientometričnih servisov, ki jih pripravljata Google in Microsoft.
torek, avgust 02, 2011
Novosti v odprtem dostopu
Dr. Mojca Kotar iz Univerzitetne službe za knjižnično dejavnost UL je tokrat pripravila bogat “poletni” pregled dogajanj v odprtem dostopu. V celoti ga kopiram v ta zapis:
Strokovno posvetovanje Prost dostop do dosežkov slovenskih znanstvenikov, Ljubljana, 27.-28. 10. 2011
Predstavitve in zbornik posvetovanja:
Poročilo, objavljeno v Knjižničarskih novicah 11/2010:
Strokovno srečanje Informacijska pismenost v visokem šolstvu, Ljubljana, 16. 6. 2011
Zaključki in priporočila:
Neelie Kroes speech to the LIBER 40th annual conference, Barcelona
Neelie Kroes, EU Commissioner for the Digital Agenda, announced that the EU's OA mandate will expand to cover 100% of EU-funded research. It is currently a "pilot" mandate covering only 20% of the FP7 research budget. (The announcement comes at 1'38" in the video.) She also announced (at 1'50") plans for OpenAIRE to accept deposits of datasets, not just articles. She made the announcements at the 40th LIBER annual conference (Barcelona, June 29, 2011).
Open Science Project: Final Report
Research Communications Strategy
NWO and Open Access
The Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) posted a page to its website collecting the many ways in which it has supported gold OA and put it ahead of green OA.
Strategy for the programme 2011-2013
Sweden's program released an English-language version of its Strategy 2011-2013. Excerpt: "The Programme shall support both publishing in open access journals and parallel publishing in open archives....A national open access policy adopted by the government should provide authority and clarity to the continuing work with open access....Higher education institutions and research funders will coordinate information campaigns on open access for researchers. All Programme participants will inform about open access via their own channels....There will be support for introducing licensing agreements that facilitate open access publishing for researchers into the e-licenses consortium negotiations....Parallel publishing shall be simplified by a continued development of the services offered by the open archives at the higher education institutions. The goals are better user-friendliness and quality. It is also important to be able to handle or link to research data and learning resources....The majority of Swedish research journals shall either be open access or allow parallel publishing within a maximum of six months after publication...."
House of Commons - Peer review in scientific publications - Science and Technology Committee
The Eighth Report on Peer Review in Scientific Publications, from the UK Houses of Commons Science and Technology Committee, made several recommendations supporting OA. "[Recommendation 3:] We encourage increased recognition that peer-review quality is independent of journal business model, for example, there is a "misconception that open access somehow does not use peer review"....[Recommendation 19:] Access to data is fundamental if researchers are to reproduce, verify and build on results that are reported in the literature. We welcome the Government's recognition of the importance of openness and transparency. The presumption must be that, unless there is a strong reason otherwise, data should be fully disclosed and made publicly available. In line with this principle, where possible, data associated with all publicly funded research should be made widely and freely available....[Recommendation 30:] While pre-publication peer review continues to play an important role, the growth of post-publication peer review and commentary represents an enormous opportunity for experimentation with new media and social networking tools. Online communications allow the widespread sharing of links to articles, ensuring that interesting research is spread across the world, facilitating rapid commentary and review by the global audience...."
More than four million Spanish judicial opinions in open access
The Spanish government created an OA database of more than four million Spanish judicial opinions, the largest collection of OA case law in Europe.
Public University of Navarre participates in two European projects to promote open innovation in universities and companies
"The Public University of Navarre (UPNA) is to receive a total of 217,000 euros for its participation in two of the six EURIS projects to promote open innovation in Europe....[The university will] work on the development of a cooperative platform with various European regions and in studying successful cases of businesses that have put open innovation into effect....The aim of the ORP (Open Research Platform) project is to develop a web-based platform for open research and put it into practice. This involves an online platform that will enable the dissemination of the scientific and technological provision of universities and other bodies....The financed project is known as BMOI (Business Model for Open Innovation), the aim of which is to provide practical knowledge to enterprises and PYMES (small and medium-sized companies) on how to apply business models that will enable them to benefit from open innovation, either through good working practices, training content and practical models and/or policy recommendations...."
Researchers of Tomorrow: A three year (BL/JISC) study tracking the research behaviour of 'Generation Y' doctoral students
* Researchers of Tomorrow, the three-year study of 'Generation Y' doctoral students by JISC and the British Library, released its second annual report. From the executive summary: "As we noted in the first year of the study the Generation Y doctoral students tend to be conservative in their choices, risk averse and unwilling to share their research prematurely. Open access Many Generation Y (and older) doctoral student respondents appear to be deeply confused about exactly what ‘open access’ and ‘self-archiving’ mean, and uncertain how to go about assessing the appropriateness and authenticity of open access channels of research communication in order to address their own primary concerns and reservations. They appear to need greater clarity, better awareness-raising, more proactive promotion of open access channels and other technology-based tools, and support in using them if they are to make sensible and informed judgments...." For more detail, see esp. pp. 12-13 and 41-45 on OA.
Article of the future
JISC Open Citations Project – Final Project Blog Post | JISC Open Citations
"The Open Citations Project is global in scope, designed to change the face of scientific publishing and scholarly communication. Specifically, it aims to make it possible to publish bibliographic information in RDF and to make citation links as easy to traverse as Web links....While this is the formal Final Blog Post for the JISC-funded Open Citations Project, that was funded for a year from 1st July 2010, our work is not yet finished. We cherish grand ideas for the liberation of the reference lists from all scholarly journal articles, using the Open Citations Corpus as an exemplar, in collaboration with publishers and organizations such as CrossRef who handle such citation data on behalf of publishers on a daily basis. This work will only be finished when it is longer be up to an individual academic research group to take on the task of citation liberation, but when each publisher publishes the citation data from each of their journal articles as open linked data on their own web sites, marked up using agreed ontological standards that we have proposed, freely available for scholar around the world, from Bangladesh to Zimbabwe, and from Holland to New Zealand, to use and explore, independent of their ability to afford subscription access to the journal articles from which the citations are made."
OA book business models
Pondering the 5 W’s of Publication Funding – Who, What, When, Where, and Why
"Under open access, the money that keeps the Publisher in business comes from the same sources as in the traditional publishing model, it is just delivered before an article is published instead of being paid afterward to provide researchers with access."
Measuring Impact in the field of Microbiology
EIFL Open Access Program wins the sixth SPARC Europe Award for Outstanding Achievements in Scholarly Communications
PLoS ONE named as the new SPARC Innovator: Public Library of Science changes the face of open-access publishing, again
Suber: Leader of a Leaderless Revolution
Emory University adopted an OA mandate
"Each Faculty member grants to Emory University permission to capture and make available his or her scholarly articles the author has chosen to distribute as Open Access and to reproduce and distribute those articles for the purpose of open dissemination. In legal terms, each Faculty member grants to Emory University a nonexclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide license to exercise any and all rights under copyright relating to each of his or her scholarly articles the author has chosen to distribute as Open Access, in any medium, and to authorize others to do the same, provided that the articles are not sold for a profit. The Emory Faculty author remains the copyright owner unless that author chooses to transfer the copyright to a publisher...." At the same time, three departments at Emory announced OA mandates for theses and dissertations.
The University of Barcelona adopted an OA mandate
"The 7th of June of 2011, the Governing Council of the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) approved the document entitled "Universitat de Barcelona Open Access Policy" establishing that all the members of the scholar community shall deposit a copy of any academic publication immediately after publication and no later than 6 months. The UB recommends the publication in open access journals when possible and it is committed to facilitate this type of publication, either by providing resources or dealing with publishers."
The University of Bath adopted an OA mandate
"The University of Bath requires researchers to deposit full-text copies of their peer-reviewed journal articles and papers from published conference proceedings (subject to copyright provisions) in the University of Bath research repository, Opus1. The mandate applies to items published after 1 June 2011. Publications from 2008 onwards should also be added in readiness for the REF. The full-text of the paper and its details should be uploaded to Opus as close to publication as possible. Optional deposit of other research outputs such as book sections, reports, working papers and conference presentations is supported. These items will be identified as peer-reviewed or non-peer-reviewed as appropriate. Full repository policies are available from the Opus website. The Library provides support for this activity and will check copyright permissions on all deposited papers. The Mandate has the support of the University Research Committee...."
Washington University adopted an OA resolution
On May 9, the Faculty Senate at Washington University voted overwhelmingly to adopt an OA resolution encouraging green and gold OA. "Faculty members are encouraged to seek venues for their works that share this ideal. In particular, when consistent with their professional development, members of the Faculty should endeavor to: [1] Amend copyright agreements to retain the right to use his or her own work and to deposit such work in a University digital repository or another depository, which is freely accessible to the general public; [2] Submit a final manuscript of accepted, peer-reviewed publications to one of the University’s digital repositories whenever consistent with the copyright agreement; and [3] Seek publishers for his or her works committed to free and unfettered access (often referred to as open access publishers) whenever consistent with his or her professional goals...."
Karolinska Institutet adopted an open access policy
"The Board of Research at [Karolinska Institutet]...adopted an open access policy that encourages its researchers to make their publications to the greatest possible extent freely available taking into account publisher terms and relevant demands of grant-awarding bodies and government authorities. To help researchers at KI comply with the open access requirements an open archive has been established, and a support function based at the University Library is available to aid the researcher in the process of depositing articles...."
Ukraine's Sumy State University adopted an OA mandate
Ukraine's National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy adopted an OA mandate in October 2008
Posted to ROARMAP last month.
The UK Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) officially adopted an OA mandate
(It revealed that it planned to do so back in January 2009.) From the new policy: "EPSRC Council has agreed to mandate open access publication, with the proviso that academics should be able to choose the approach [green or gold] best suited to their field of research. This mandate is now being implemented: EPSRC requires authors to comply with this mandate and ensure that all published research articles arising from EPSRC-sponsored research, and which are submitted for publication on or after 1st September 2011, must become available on an Open Access basis through any appropriate route...."
Open access and copyright
Funders unveil 'elite' open access journal
Glej tudi e-pošto na koncu tega obvestila.
The Development of Open Access Journal Publishing from 1993 to 2009
More than 10000 OJS Installations! | Public Knowledge Project
"As of July 2011, we have discovered over 10,000 OJS installations from around the world....We're continuing to see strong growth internationally, with OJS being used for traditional journals, but also for reports, learning management systems, courses, monographs, and more."
OA journal business models
PLoS ONE’s 2010 Impact Factor
More than one hundred BioMed Central journals now have impact factors
"The 2010 edition of Thomson Reuters’ Journal Citation Reports, released on June 28th 2011, provides further evidence that open access journals are delivering not only high visibility but also high rates of citation and impact. Altogether, 101 BioMed Central journals now have official impact factors. 21 journals recorded their first impact factors this year. Meanwhile, among the 80 journals which already had impact factors, 52 increased while only 28 declined. The average change in impact factor was an increase of 0.19 points...."
Impact factor of 4.976 just released for the International Journal of Nanomedicine, published by Dove Medical Press
"Thomson Reuters has just released the 2010 Journal Citation Reports® (JCR), showing an impressive improvement to the impact factor for the International Journal of Nanomedicine, published by Dove Medical Press. The 2010 impact factor for the International Journal of Nanomedicine has been released at 4.976 (up from 2.612)...."
2010 JCR data out; Half of OB-GYN impact factor top 10 offer open access option for authors
"Half of the top-10 IF OB/GYN journals provide a gold open access option for immediate public access...."
New Journal of Physics celebrates Impact Factor success
"As reported in the 2010 Journal Citation Reports published by Thomson Reuters, New Journal of Physics (NJP) is celebrating an Impact Factor of 3.849. This represents a 53% increase in citations from 2009. Significantly, NJP now has the highest Impact Factor of all gold open-access journals in physics, and the highest Impact Factor of all general physics journals that publish only non-Letter, original (non-review) research articles...."
E-only scholarly journals: overcoming the barriers
Reassessing the value proposition: first steps towards a fair(er) price for scholarly journals
Abstract: Business models surrounding scholarly communications have been much debated over the past two decades. However, interest in the discussion has been sharpened in the UK by the funding issues facing the higher education sector, the reality of budget cuts and the need to focus on affordability. There is a growing realization that notions of ‘moderate’ price increases associated with ‘big deals’ over the past ten years will need to be radically reassessed. This paper discusses the financial realities facing UK libraries and the attempt by Research Libraries UK (RLUK) to look for solutions that maintain access to the maximum amount of material possible.,17,27;journal,2,72;linkingpublicationresults,1:107730,1
British Research Libraries Draw Line in Sand Over Journal Pricing
"Research Libraries UK (RLUK), which represents 30 British research libraries, is pledging to cut through "the barbed wire thrown up by journal publishers around scholarly research." David Prosser, the group's executive director, wrote the above phrase in a letter to the Guardian newspaper on April 8, and in a previous article in March he reported that the group "would not support future journal Big Deals unless [publishers] showed real price reductions." ...Prosser wrote that the library community has to be prepared to walk away from unacceptable deals, because without price reductions libraries will have to cancel a significant number of subscriptions "which will fatally compromise the UK's capacity for research....The reluctance to do so in the past has caused many of the problems that we see today," he wrote....In the long term, RLUK supports "a shift in scholarly communication to open-access models so the fruits of publicly funded research are available to all," Prosser wrote to the Guardian."
RLUK Develops Journal Subscription Analysis Tool | RLUK
"As budgets become tighter and journal subscription prices increase, it is imperative that libraries look to new metrics to assess value for money. This is especially true in the case of ‘big deals’ - large aggregations of journals from publishers sold as a single package. Some of these packages now cost RLUK members over £1million per year and account for an ever increasing proportion of library budgets. Such deals have proved attractive as they allow libraries to expand the range of titles they provide to users for a relatively small additional fee. But to date RLUK members have lacked a simple way to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of these packages. At a recent Workshop for members, RLUK unveiled a powerful model that allows members to carefully analyse the value-for-money of publisher packages and to determine whether there would be cost savings to be made from moving back to title-by-title purchasing...."
OpenDOAR reaches its’ 2000th Repository
SHERPA Services is delighted to announce that the OpenDOAR directory now boasts over 2000 repository entries from across the globe. As OpenDOAR forms a major quality target resource for services such as the OpenAIRE Deposit Service and OpenDepot, 2000 entries is a significant step forward in enabling the global virtual repository network to cooperate in new and innovative ways. OpenDOAR provides a comprehensive, authoritative and quality checked list of institutional and subject-based repositories. In addition it encompasses archives set up by funding agencies like the National Institutes for Health in the USA and the Wellcome Trust in the UK and Europe. OpenDOAR creates a bridge between repository administrators and the service providers which "harvest" repositories, such as search engines. General Internet searches often bring back too many "junk" results. Information from OpenDOAR enables search services to provide a more focussed search by selecting repositories that are of direct interest to the user - for example, all Australian repositories, or all repositories that hold conference papers on chemistry. OpenDOAR can also be used by researchers to discover their local institutions repository.
Each month around 23 new additions are made to OpenDOAR, and 7 suggestions are rejected, due to not meeting our inclusion criteria. These include being a journal site, not containing open access materials and requiring a subscription to access content. Our full criteria for inclusion can be found here:
TU Delft Library: 25,000th upload to TU Delft Repository
"The TU Delft Repository, which is managed by the Library, has reached another milestone!"
Summary report on "Brief Institutional Repository Survey"
The UCF Libraries Scholarly Communications Task Force has completed its “Brief Institutional Repository Survey” and has posted a summary report on Google docs. In brief: The UCF Libraries Scholarly Communications Task Force conducted a survey of existing institutional repositories (IRs) which included questions concerning their organization, staffing, and funding requirements. The ten question survey included the name and type of institution, information about the responder, specifics about the IR including the personnel, job assignment and department, and its funding.
Of the fifty four (54) responses 95.9% were from 4 year/Masters and/or PhD granting universities with 92.3% of the IRs falling within the institutions’ libraries. The survey revealed that IRs report to a wide variety of units within the libraries including the library administration, digital services or technical services. From these results it shows that IRs’ success may be more a function of the people driving the effort than its setting. From the question (#6) concerning which positions are involved with IR operations, the results show that in general there are about 3-4 people working on the IR. And finally, of the twelve (12) institutions reporting actual funding levels for their hardware, software and subscriptions, the range was $1000 to $110,000, with an average of $22,746.
Capacity building for OA repository administrators and managers: EIFL-OA – KIT – COAR online workshop | EIFL
The slides and videos of the presentations from the EIFL-OA – KIT – COAR online workshop on Capacity building for open access repository administrators and managers (Online, July 27, 2011) are now online.
Déclaration sur l’open data en France
iCommons, (24 Jun 2011)
"Creative Commons France, Regards Citoyens, Open Knowledge Foundation, and Veni Vidi Libri announced a Declaration On The Open Data in France. The document states that it is essential that the data service are free. Introducing any license limitations or discrimination in access or restrictions on their reproduction or redistribution for commercial purposes should not be considered as an Open Data license. They recommend the choice of certain free licenses...." [PS: The declaration is undated but seems to be recent.]
PLoS ONE: Who Shares? Who Doesn't? Factors Associated with Openly Archiving Raw Research Data
Abstract: Many initiatives encourage investigators to share their raw datasets in hopes of increasing research efficiency and quality. Despite these investments of time and money, we do not have a firm grasp of who openly shares raw research data, who doesn't, and which initiatives are correlated with high rates of data sharing. In this analysis I use bibliometric methods to identify patterns in the frequency with which investigators openly archive their raw gene expression microarray datasets after study publication. Automated methods identified 11,603 articles published between 2000 and 2009 that describe the creation of gene expression microarray data. Associated datasets in best-practice repositories were found for 25% of these articles, increasing from less than 5% in 2001 to 30%–35% in 2007–2009. Accounting for sensitivity of the automated methods, approximately 45% of recent gene expression studies made their data publicly available....[A]uthors were most likely to share data if they had prior experience sharing or reusing data, if their study was published in an open access journal or a journal with a relatively strong data sharing policy, or if the study was funded by a large number of NIH grants. Authors of studies on cancer and human subjects were least likely to make their datasets available. These results suggest research data sharing levels are still low and increasing only slowly, and data is least available in areas where it could make the biggest impact. Let's learn from those with high rates of sharing to embrace the full potential of our research output.
DuraSpace to Bring Cloud-Based Platform “Direct-to-Researchers”
The not-for-profit DuraSpace organization announced that it will develop a hosted, cloud-based data storage and management service aimed at meeting the specific needs of working scientists and researchers. The new service, an expansion of DuraSpace’s popular DuraCloud data management and archiving service, is being funded through a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
“Scientists and researchers are under increasing pressure to archive and provide access to their data well beyond the grant funding period. The currently available commercial cloud services do not fully meet their needs and have no ties back to the research organization”, said Michele Kimpton, CEO of DuraSpace. “We’re committed to providing a solution for managing research data that’s safe, secure, flexible, and most of all, easy-to-use for the scientist who does not have IT staff on hand to help tackle data management issues.” With “Direct-to-Researcher, “catching” the results of research at the source means that scientists and researchers have the ability to meet granting agency requirements for accountability in preserving and creating access to data.
Open Questions on Open Courseware
From Link Rot to Web Sanctuary: Creating the Digital Educational Resource Archive (DERA)
Describes how an innovative use of the EPrints repository software is helping to preserve official documents from the Web. From the Conclusion: The main things we have learnt from the project are that: - Placing files in a repository gives digital preservation to key documents in the subject field and eradicates the link rot problem. - Adding high-quality metadata enhances the resource and allows it to hold its head high and become an integral part of a library's collection. - A specialist library can play an important role in preserving domain-specific government content as part of its long-term strategy and ensure high-quality resources remain available. - Provided you are prepared to get to grips with its complexity, the EPrints software is well suited to the task and provides good interoperability with other legacy systems for importing metadata - The added value of being able to search the full text provides a potentially very rich resource for data mining whether by current or future researchers of educational history.
Final Product Post: Open Bibliography
"Bibliographic data has long been understood to contain important information about the large scale structure of scientific disciplines, the influence and impact of various authors and journals. Instead of a relatively small number of privileged data owners being able to manage and control large bibliographic data stores, we want to enable an individual researcher to browse millions of records, view collaboration graphs, submit complex queries, make selections and analyses of data – all on their laptop while commuting to work. The software tools for such easy processing are not yet adequately developed, so for the last year we have been working to improve that: primarily by acquiring open datasets upon which the community can operate, and secondarily by demonstrating what can be done with these open datasets....In working towards acquiring these open bibliographic datasets, we have clarified the key principles of open bibliographic data and set them out for others to reference and endorse. We have already collected over 100 endorsements, and we continue to promote these principles within the community. Anyone battling with issues surrounding access to bibliographic data can use these principles and the endorsements supporting them to leverage arguments in favour of open access to such metadata...."
SPARC Open Access Newsletter, issue #159, July 2, 2011
Open Access Directory
Building and Sustaining Alternative Scholarly Publishing Projects Around the World
Third International PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference will be held from September 26 - 28, 2011 in Berlin, Germany. The program for the conference is now available, including lists of sessions and plenary speakers.
From: [] On Behalf Of Peter Suber
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 7:22 PM
To: SOAF post; BOAI Forum post
Subject: [BOAI] Randy Schekman to Lead New Open Access Journal
[Forwarding from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. --Peter Suber.]
Randy Schekman to Lead New Journal
Randy W. Schekman, a distinguished cell biologist and the 14th editor of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, has been named the first editor of a new journal that the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Max Planck Society, and the Wellcome Trust aim to launch next year.
“It is my strong feeling that there is a need for a scientific journal at the very high end that is run by active practicing scientists embedded in an academic environment, individuals who experience both the frustrations and satisfactions of research,” says Schekman. “The scientific journals that are now at the high end are doing some things right, but I think there is room at the top for an alternative approach.”
Schekman will assume his new responsibilities in August. His first priorities will be recruiting a managing executive editor responsible for overseeing the journal’s business functions and identifying the scientific editors, including two deputies, 10-12 senior editors, and a larger board of reviewing editors.
Sir Mark Walport, Director of the Wellcome Trust, says, “Randy Schekman is an outstanding cell biologist who has edited the PNAS with great distinction. We are delighted that he has agreed to lead the new journal that we are founding, which will provide a major new vehicle for publication of the world's best research in the life sciences. Randy and the new journal share the values of our organizations - this journal will support the brightest minds in science.”
Leaders of the three research organizations announced their intention to launch the new journal at a London press conference on June 27 and outlined their fundamental goals: publication of highly significant research; an independent editorial team comprised of active, practicing scientists; and a rapid and transparent peer review.
Professor Herbert Jäckle, Vice President of the Max Planck Society, says, “Publishing top science requires the leadership of the best active scientists to reliably judge the quality of the submitted work and the reviewers’ responses, and to take rapid and unbiased decisions that are transparent both for the authors and the scientific community. Randy’s commitment as a founding editor of the new journal guarantees that these essentials become reality."
Expected to launch in about a year, the journal will be online and open access. Schekman says he does not expect the journal to hold the copyright to the literature, but to utilize Creative Commons licenses so that the data can be widely shared. Schekman has been an HHMI investigator at the University of California, Berkeley, since 1991. He will devote half of his time to the new journal, but will also help guide PNAS until the National Academy of Sciences identifies a successor.
For more than 30 years, Schekman’s research has focused on the molecular machinery that enables proteins to be trafficked within cells. Working in yeast, he made fundamental discoveries about how vesicles bud off from the cell’s endoplasmic reticulum – a membranous network inside the cell – and transport proteins for further processing for internal or external use. Schekman and his colleagues identified more than 50 genes involved in the process, methodically determining the order and role each played. He shared the 2002 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award with James Rothman, now of Yale University, and has received other major awards including the Gairdner Foundation International Award and the Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize.
Robert Tjian, President of HHMI, says, “Randy is the ideal founding editor in chief; his scientific judgment is impeccable, he is broadly knowledgeable, widely regarded as fair minded, and highly respected internationally. Perhaps equally important is his extensive experience as an editor in chief and his obvious zeal and commitment to making the new journal the most successful in a generation.”
Schekman has served as editor of PNAS since 2006, succeeding the late Nicholas R. Cozzarelli. Like Cozzarelli, he focused on elevating the quality and visibility of the journal by increasing the number of direct submission articles that are subject to rigorous peer review. Under Schekman’s leadership, PNAS earlier this year also launched an online-only option for direct submission articles. Called PNAS Plus, it provides for a longer digital article and a companion summary in the print journal.
“I have a track record of making independent decisions, but I think this journal also has an important founding principle: We will seek the best research papers from all over the world and will not favor scientists supported by the founding organizations,” Schekman says.
Schekman reports that editors will be appropriately compensated, noting for example that senior editors will be expected to devote 20 percent of their time to the journal and would be paid accordingly. He has already begun speaking with potential scientific editors.
For the first three to four years, to help establish the journal, no fees will be charged to authors. Once the journal is established, it is anticipated that authors will be charged an article processing fee to cover some of the ongoing costs of publication.
“My priority will be to launch the new journal promptly and with great visibility,” says Schekman. “Open access is the future and we will build on the pioneering efforts of the Public Library of Science so that scientists will have access to this literature and the data anywhere they are.”
About the Howard Hughes Medical Institute
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute plays a powerful role in advancing scientific research and education in the United States. Its scientists, located across the United States and around the world, have made important discoveries that advance both human health and our fundamental understanding of biology. The Institute also aims to transform science education into a creative, interdisciplinary endeavor that reflects the excitement of real research.
About the Max Planck Society
The Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science is an independent, non-profit research organization. The primary goal of the Max Planck Society is to promote research at its own institutes. The Max Planck institutes perform basic research in the interest of the general public in the natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. Currently, the Max Planck Society operates 80 institutes, four of which are in Italy, the Netherlands and the USA.
About the Wellcome Trust
The Wellcome Trust is a global charitable foundation dedicated to achieving extraordinary improvements in human and animal health. It supports the brightest minds in biomedical research and the medical humanities. The Trust’s breadth of support includes public engagement, education and the application of research to improve health. It is independent of both political and commercial interests.
From: [] On Behalf Of Peter Suber
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 5:14 PM
To: SOAF post; BOAI Forum post
Subject: [BOAI] Open Biology - open for business[Forwarding from the Royal Society. --Peter Suber.]
Announcing the launch of a new open access journal from the Royal Society
Open Biology is a new, fast, open access journal covering biology at the molecular and cellular level. This selective, online Royal Society journal will publish original, high quality, peer-reviewed research in cell biology; developmental and structural biology; molecular biology; biochemistry; neuroscience; immunology; microbiology; and genetics. The criteria for acceptance will be scientific excellence, importance and originality.
Importantly, the Open Biology Editors and Editorial Board are practising scientists who aim to provide a journal that will serve their respective communities. They will actively engage in identifying excellent papers, selecting referees and steering the overall direction of the journal. Our intention is to publish research of the highest quality and to ensure a fair and speedy review process without recourse to unnecessary rounds of revision. Articles will include a minimum of supplementary material, presented separately from the main text.
Author benefits include:
· rapid publication in a Royal Society journal
· rigorous and constructive peer-review
· immediate open access
· e-only continuous publication model, which allows immediate citation of articles
· author retention of copyright and liberal reuse rights via Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC by 3.0)
· publisher deposit of articles in PubMedCentral
· information on individual article downloads
· high levels of author service and support
· media promotion of articles
· free online colour
If you would like your research peer-reviewed fairly, published rapidly and disseminated widely, please submit your next research article to Open Biology. For further information on the journal, browse the Open Biology web pages or contact Victoria Millen.
Open Biology represents the Royal Society's first fully open access journal. You can find out more about the Royal Society's policy on open access by visiting our website.
From: [] On Behalf Of Peter Suber
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 4:42 PM
To: SOAF post; BOAI Forum post
Subject: [BOAI] Versita Open in Scandinavia - press release
[Forwarding from Versita. --Peter Suber.]
Versita Open Expands to Scandinavia
First Scandinavian Journals Join Versita Open
Warsaw, 30th of June 2011
For 10 years Versita has been a successful publisher of own and third-party scholarly journals from Central & Eastern Europe. Professional e-publishing technology solutions and e-marketing services provided to journals published by universities and academic institutions recently attracted also customers from outside the region. Three Scandinavian serials: Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, Nordic Journal of Migration Research and Sommerfeltia are now included in the portfolio of more than 200 Open Access journals published by Versita Open.
The newly contracted Scandinavian journals, besides the basic pack of services, have also selected optional functionalities such as online submission system (Editorial Manager), copyediting, language and technical editing. With the professional support from Versita, journals that make their content available for readers at no cost can enjoy the same sophisticated online publishing technology and powerful marketing tools used by paid-access journals of large international publishers, and can compete with them in terms of impact.
Kerstin Stenius, Editor-in-Chief of Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD) comments: “As most other scientific journals, we have lately noted the increased demand on researchers to publish scientific articles, but also increasing competition between journals over the most interesting and ground-breaking findings. We look forward to the professional assistance of Versita in getting a higher scientific impact by being included in even more prestigious indexing systems. Open Access through Versita gives NAD the possibility to reach out with new scientific findings through the internet, which has become the most important source of information for most citizens”.
Dawid Cecula, Business Manager of Versita Open, comments: “Expanding our portfolio with publications from Northern Europe is a signal for us that a need for professional publishing services in the Open Access area is also shared by countries from outside the region. For this reason, we have decided to expand beyond Central and Eastern Europe and enter Scandinavia, which will help us even better fulfill our mission of global dissemination of scientific research.”
About Versita
Versita ( publishes over 200 own and third-party scholarly journals across many disciplines. Versita is the publishing partner of Springer ( and de Gruyter ( Versita also runs Versita Open (, one of the largest Open Access platforms in the world. The company was established in 2001 by Jacek Ciesielski.
About Open Access
Open Access (OA) is an emerging model for academic publishing where readers receive free access to scientific journals and books. In typical OA models, the publishing costs are paid by authors. The first OA advocates were librarians, and recently several publishers have introduced their OA offerings.