nedelja, avgust 30, 2009

Proverbiarium 127

Ut sis nocte levis, sit tibi coena brevis.
(Da boš ponoči lahek, naj bo večerja kratka.)

Ut vivas, comede, at non vivas propter edendum.
(Jej, da živiš, vendar ne živi zaradi jedi.)

nedelja, avgust 23, 2009

PAGEPress z dvajsetimi revijami v OD

Italijanska založba PAGEPress najavlja izdajo dvajsetih vrstniško ocenjevanih spletnih revij za področje biomedicine, ki bodo na voljo v odprtem dostopu. Naslovi:
Ageing Research
Dermatology Reports
Gastrointestinal Insights
Genetics Today
Heart International
Hematology Meeting Reports
Hematology Reviews
Infectious Disease Reports
International Journal of Plant Biology
Journal of Nucleic Acids Investigation
Mental Illness
Microbiology Research
Nephrology Reviews
Neurology International
Orthopedic Reviews
Pediatric Reports
Rare Tumors
Rheumatology Reports
Trends in Evolutionary Biology

Nekatere od revij so že aktivne.

O uporabi Spleta 2.0 v izobraževanju

V novi številki e-revije Ariadne (vol 60, julij 2009) bi opozoril na sestavek o uporabi Spleta 2.0 v izobraževanju, avtoric Ann Chapman in Rosemary Russell. Prazaprav gre za opis zbiranja podatkov o uporabi Spleta 2.0, ki sta ga avtorici uporabili pri delu, rezultate pa najdemo predvsem v JISC blogih, ki so jima služili  pri anketnem delu. 

Univerza vrstnikov

Spletna univerza poseben vrste je The Peer 2 Peer University (P2PU), ki se na drug način predstavlja tudi kot knjižni klub odprtodostopnih izobraževalnih virov. Organizirana je v odprtih študijskih skupinah v katerih v sodelovanju nastajajo učni programi. Iščejo tudi poti do formalnega priznavanja kreditnih točk za opravljene vsebine.

Baza citatov iz energetike

Ameriški Department of Energy (DOE) vzdržuje bibliografsko bazo “The Energy Citations Database (ECD)”, ki omogoča prost dostop do preko 2,6 milijona citatov znanstvenih in strokovnih dokumentov iz področja energetike. Številni zaznamki zagotavljajo tudi dostop do celotnih dokumentov v .pdf formatu.

Proverbiarium 126

Quemcumque dolorem finit longa dies.
Čas zdravi vse rane (v sproščenem prevodu).

Quemcumque miserum videris, hominem scias.
Kogarkoli vidiš nesrečnega, vedi da je človek.

Quem di diligunt, adolescens moritur.
Kogar bogovi ljubijo, umre mlad.

petek, avgust 21, 2009

Springer Exemplar

Koristen iskalnik-prevajalnik ponuja založba Springer na spletni strani Exemplar. Orodje razloži, kako je določen pojem ali fraza uporabljena v strokovni literaturi, ocenjevani z vrstniki (peer reviewed).

sobota, avgust 15, 2009

Za knjižničarke(je), ki blogajo

Online College Blog ponuja 100 nasvetov i n orodij, ki bodo zlasti koristili knjižničnim delavcem pri pripravi blogov. 

UCP in JSTOR v partnerstvu

University of California Press (UCP) in JSTOR, znan arhivski portal sta najavila partnerstvo. Za nas bo to še posebno zanimivo, ker se obeta, kot je mogoče slišati iz dobro obveščenih virov, vključitev JSTORa tudi v ponudbo slovenskih univerzitetnih knjižnic.


Splet ponuja nov portal za branje izbora svetovnih časnikov – mydigitalnewspaper, priznati pa je treba, da gre ta trenutek večinoma  za lokalne časnike manjše teže iz Velike Britanije in ZDA. Obljubljajo pa nadalnje širjenje nabora z upanjem vključitve tudi vplivnejših medijev.

Proverbiarium 125

Necessitati parendum est.
Nujnosti se je vredno podrediti.

Nec fieri potest, ut ibi messis sit, ubi satum non est…
Ne moremo žeti tam, kjer nismo sejali.

Nec Hercules contra duos.
Tudi Herkul se ne more boriti z dvojico.

četrtek, avgust 13, 2009

Blogi za izobraževanje

Zahvalujoč Andersonovemu tvitu vas lahko opozorim na tale zares izčrpen spisek blogov, ki so namenjeni izobraževalnim temam. Dokaz, da se je blogarija učinkovito umestila v področje izobraževanja, žal pa se lahko navdušujemo predvsem nad dosežki iz tujih logov.

torek, avgust 11, 2009

eIFL novice o odprtem dostopu

Iz vira, ki nam ga zagotavlja dr. Mojca Kotar (UL, Univerzitetna služba za knjižnično dejavnost) znova nekaj aktualnih novic o odprtem odstopu:

Dear colleagues,
The first international Open Access Week - October 19-23 ( - is an opportunity to broaden awareness and understanding of Open Access to research, including access policies from all types of research funders, within the international higher education community and the general public.

This year, the Open Access Week organizers will highlight a growing suite of educational resources that you can use to design your own programs on Open Access, for your respective audiences.

*Downloadable resources*:
- videos and webcasts;
- handouts: What Faculty can do to promote Open Access, What Librarians can do to promote Open Access, What Universities and Administrators can do to promote Open Access, What Research Funders can do to promote Open Access, We support Open Access, A very brief Introduction to Open Access, Open Access
- posters, flyers, buttons, icons, banners, etc.

*Sample program tracks*
We're putting together a handful of sample program tracks that build on these resources, taking into account the audience, the right topic, and their awareness level. Of course there is a virtually unlimited number of potential discussion topics, so we'll limit our samples to just ten. Our advisers in the development of these sample program tracks are Kay Vyhnanek, Washington State University; Allyson Mower, University of Utah; Adrian Ho, University of Waterloo; and Marianne Buehler, Rochester Institute of Technology.

*Sample Track 1 - Author's rights and author addenda*
Audience: Researchers
Awareness level: Medium
* Author Addenda:
* Authors' Rights and Copyright:
* CAUT Intellectual Property Advisory: Retaining Copyright in Journal Articles (For Canadian authors):

Suggested speakers (does not indicate commitment to participate):
* Michael Carroll, visiting professor at the Washington College of Law, American University
* Bill Hubbard, SHERPA
* Local faculty advocate
* IP librarian or repository manager
* Also see OA speakers bureau:

*Sample Track 2 - Institutional Advantages from Open Access*
Audience: Administrators
Awareness level: Low
* Institutions that support Open Access:
* FAQs about OA:

Suggested speakers (does not indicate commitment to participate):
* Stuart Shieber, Director, Office of Scholarly Communication, Harvard University
* John Willinsky, Professor, Stanford University School of Education
* Also see OA speakers bureau:

More tracks to come.

*Event in a box *
The Open Access Week organizers are going to create a range of different items in various different format such as videos and PDF's etc and you get to choose which you want to use and when, giving you ultimate flexibility to plan a gathering that suits you, e.g.:
- Animated OA 101 introductory video
- Expansion of Voices of Open Access Video series from 2008 to include a piece from scientists in the developing world on why OA matters to them
- Synchro-blogging competition in follow up to last year's success

*The OASIS project* ( features the resources for researchers, administrators, librarians, students, and the public - as well as different OA awareness levels - that will be the centerpiece of the 2009 Open Access Week program.

Some Universities have already announced their plans for Open Access Week (e.g. Expanding Reach and Increasing Impact:

You can take a look what kind of events the University of Michigan University Library organised during its Open Access week at the end of March:

We invite you to:
a) list your organisation if you plan any events celebrating Open Access Week here: (please choose your region, e.g. Africa: Open Access Week 2009, Asia: Open Access Week 2009, Europe: Open Access Week 2009 and add your country if it's not listed). Or send me your information and I will fill in the wiki page for you.

b) give us feedback on whether our available and planned resources look useful to you and if not, how might we improve it?

c) let us know what resources we might have missed,

d) what other samples would be useful to you for us to develop.

Thank you for your feedback!
With best wishes,
Iryna Kuchma
eIFL Open Access program manager
eifloa mailing list

ponedeljek, avgust 10, 2009

Za knjižne molje…

Time Online je objavil spisek desetih spletnih naslovov, kjer lahko, večinoma brezplačno, pridobite dostop do digitaliziranih knjižnih vsebin. 

100 najpopularnejših spletnih učnih orodij

Portal “Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies” med drugim objavlja ocene različnih učnih pripomočkov in metod. Gotovo vam bo zanimiv spisek stotih najboljših spletnih  pripomočkov, kot je to anketno ocenilo 166 vprašanih, ki delujejo v izobraževanju. 

100 najbolj branih blogov

Vas zanima spisek 100 najbolj popularnih blogov; odgovor vam ponuja zelo uspešen in zato priljubljen iskalnik Twingly, ki je sicer namenjen splošnemu iskanju v blogosferi, ponuja pa tudi dodatne izbire kot je npr. spisek Top 100 razen tega pa omogoča tudi ločeno iskanje mikroblogov torej Twitterjev

petek, avgust 07, 2009

EU in Odprti dostop

Dr. Mojca Kotar iz Univerzitetne službe za knjižnično dejavnost UL  je posredovala nekaj zanimivih informacij na temo odprtega dostopa v EU:

OPEN ACCESS PILOT IN FP7 : Section on 'Resources for researchers'
This web page has been updated to provide enhanced resources for researchers taking part in the FP7 pilot:

  • Powerpoint presentation on open access pilot has been updated
  • Model cover letter for amendment to publishing agreement in all languages has been added
  • Model amendment to publishing agreement in all languages has been added
  • Guide to Intellectual Property Rules for FP7 projects has been updated (pp 15-18, section 7.3)
  • Guidance notes on Project Reporting has been updated see especially pg 5, 25, 32

In the FP7 Science in Society call in 2008, 3 projects on the topic of access to scientific information have been selected for funding:

  • SOAP: Study of Open Access Publishing 

The SOAP consortium represents key stakeholders such as publishers, funding agencies and a broad spectrum of research disciplines and aims to study the new open access business models which have emerged as a result of the shift from print to digital documents. The project also intends to survey researchers on their experiences with open access publishing and suggest scenarios for the future.

  • NECOBELAC: Network of collaboration between Europe and Latin American Caribbean countries

This project aims to improve the production and dissemination of scientific information in public health by establishing a network of collaboration to spread knowledge on the methods of scientific writing and publishing and on appropriate tools for the open access dissemination of information for the protection of public health.

  • EUROCANCERCOMS: Establishing an efficient network for cancer communication in Europe

This project looks at the issues surrounding communication and dissemination of cancer information across Europe and aims to to establish a single, efficient network for cancer communication in Europe, a “one stop shop” for people involved in cancer: professionals, patients, politicians, industry – everyone by using IT solutions which already exist to coordinate information which is already available.


ACTIVITY 5.1.3 Strengthening and improving the European Science system

INFRA-2010-3.2: Studies, conferences and coordination actions supporting policy development, including international cooperation, in all S&T fields.

INFRA-2010-3.2: Studies, conferences and coordination actions supporting policy development, including international cooperation, in all S&T fields.

Dodatne podatke in povezave je mogoče najti tudi na spletni strani EU – Access to scientific information.

nedelja, avgust 02, 2009

17 let bolonjskega študija

Danes sem pri gledanju Dnevnika RTV zastrigel z ušesi, ko sem slišal novico, da je ljubljanska Univerza popravila statut v določilih o absolventskem stažu, ki bi naj poslej v trajanju enega leta lahko sledil po vsaki stopnji študija.  No na RTV so že izračunali variante trajanja študija v skladu z novimi določili. In vse tri stopnje bolonjskega študija bi tako zdaj lahko trajale do 17 let. Kako to: 3 leta (prva stopnja - BSc) + 1 leto ponavljanja + 1 leto abs. staž + 1 leto dodatnega (izjemnega) abs. staža in to formulo z absolventskimi staži zdaj ponovimo še na 2. stopnji (master), ki traja 2 leti in na tretji stopnji (doktorat), ki traja 3. leta pa dobimo skupaj 17 let!!!  Ker nimam pred sabo teksta novega statutarnega člena, še vendarle upam, da zadeva ne bo taka, kot so jo napovedali na RTV. Če pa je, si dovolim razlagati, da je to morda nova (inovativna) strategija borbe proti brezposelnosti (?) …   

25 napovedi o univerzi bodočnosti

Na blogu Associate Degree najdemo 25 napovedi, kako bo v prihodnje organizirano visokošolsko izobraževanje. Vsekakor zanimiv tekst, ki bo morda koga vzpodbudil h komentiranju (kaj ko bi se nanj odzvali rektorski kandidati ljubljanske Univerze?) .  

Kritičen razmislek o akademskem publiciranju

Priporočam branje prvega dela kritičnega zapisa o prihodnosti akademskega publiciranja, ki sta ga avtorja Brian Whitworth in Rob Friedman objavila v odprtodostopni reviji o internetnem prostoru First Monday. Članek “Reinventing academic publishing online” v svojem prvem delu z naslovom “Rigor, relevance and practice”  skuša predstaviti omejitve, ki jih v akademsko izmenjavo znanja prispevajo preživeti vzorci publicističnega modela in ga avtorja označita za “fevdalni sistem”, karakterizirajo pa ga ekskluzivnost, počasnost, ozkost, konzervativnost, sebičnost in nedostopnost.   V septembrskem drugem delu naj bi sledili predlogi za prenovo današnjega sistema.

Podatkovna baza IAEA

Zdaj je bibliografska podatkovna baza INIS (International Nuclear Information System), ki jo vzdržuje  IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) brez omejitev dostopna vsem uporabnikom in tudi brez registracije. Podatkovno bazo predstavljajo informacije 121 INIS-članic in 23 mednarodnih organizacij in velja za največjo bazo podatkov o miroljubni rabi jedrske energije in tehnologije.

Proverbiarium 124

Libertas est potestas faciendi id, quod iure fieri licet.
Svoboda je možnost početi to, kar pravo dovoljuje storiti.

Liberum arbitrium nihil aliud est quam vis electiva.
Svobodna volja ni nič drugega kot možnost izbora.

Ligna in silvam ferre.
Nositi les v gozd.