ponedeljek, november 17, 2003
V Delovi prilogi Znanost so mi danes objavili clancic Odprti dostop gre naprej, v katerem skusam predvsem opozoriti na dvoje pomembnih dogodkov: na Berlinsko konferenco o Odprtem dostopu v znanostih in humanistiki ter na izid nove revije PLOS Biology . Clanek lahko najdete tudi na moji osebni spletni strani pod doc.16.
sobota, november 15, 2003
Potem ko sem dalj casa spremljal razlicne bloge, sem se ojunacil in pricenjam svojega. Kot sem zapisal v opis strani je namenjen mojim kontaktom z druzino, prijatelji in studenti. Naslov prav tako skusa povedati del cilja: je skrajsana sintagma "life long learning", ker verjamem, da je ucenje temelj vsega. Blog bom v glavnem pisal v svojem jeziku, torej v slovencini, obcasno pa bom uporabil tudi tujejezicne vnose in upam, da bralci ne bodo prevec kriticni do njihove jezikovne korektnosti.
After I've followed for a while various blogs, I decided to start with my own. As I wrote down in the description of the page, the blog should serve my contacts with my family, friends and students. The blog's title also discloses part of the goal: it is short for »life long learning« as I believe the learning is important over all and I try always to stick to this. I'll use for the blog my mother tongue, the Slovenian language, but will from time to time use also other languages and I hope that the readers won’t be to critical.
After I've followed for a while various blogs, I decided to start with my own. As I wrote down in the description of the page, the blog should serve my contacts with my family, friends and students. The blog's title also discloses part of the goal: it is short for »life long learning« as I believe the learning is important over all and I try always to stick to this. I'll use for the blog my mother tongue, the Slovenian language, but will from time to time use also other languages and I hope that the readers won’t be to critical.
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